My beef with fake meats

Nutrition has become very much like a religion or politics, there are so many opposing views and camps, and the subject can get very heated. 

More often than not though there are more commonalities than we realise, and hopefully we are all striving for the greater good.

I am always open to learning new ways of thinking. I do a lot of research and try not to be fixated or dogmatic on specific schools of thought. I aim to respect everyone’s own choices and beliefs.

With that said, I encourage you to read the following as food for thought – Fake Meat and Other Fake Foods: Synthetic Biology Wolves in “Sustainable” Sheep’s Clothing. I have a huge amount of respect for Weston A Price Foundation (WAPF) and the work they do. 

If you haven’t yet researched their views, I highly recommend you do. 

Looking at farming practices

Vegan meat may look like an option for many who do not agree with the processing of killing animals for food. This along with certain methods of farming such as factory-like environments and feeding hormones, cheap grain and antibiotics. I agree with this and would never consume these foods for ethical and nutritional reasons.  Energetically these conventional practices are not in alignment with my own. 

Eat close to nature

To be clear I am not a big meat eater by any means but I will never consume pseudo-foods of any kind, even those labeled as being ‘healthy’.  I also won’t eat foods of any kind pretending to be other foods or to taste like other foods – this goes for plant cheeses, fake meats, sweeteners. Regardless of my ethical beliefs these are not real foods but highly processed fake foods.  

I eat as close to nature as possible, including real foods that are not full of agrochemicals and other toxic chemicals that are very damaging to our environment – think Glyphosate, pesticides sprayed on ALL plant crops. 

We can agree that animals which eat garbage and grow up in confined spaces won’t produce meat that is good for you or the environment, but the vegan alternative isn’t as wholesome as you think, either. 

My concern with meat alternatives

Meat ‘alternatives’ are often filled with the same harmful gut disruptive ingredients found in processed food, such as canola oil, methylcellulose (sawdust) and yeast.

We shouldn’t be fooled by claims that plant proteins are as nutritious or bioavailable as animal proteins, either. They are about half as bioavailable at an amino acid levels (based on DIAAS ratings) and don’t contain valuable animal-based nutrients like choline, carnitine, carnosine, creatine, heme-iron, B12, K2, or peptides that occur in animal foods like BPC-157 or thymosin-alpha. 

It is important to read your ingredient labels when choosing plant based alternatives. You want to choose what is as close to nature as possible.

Vegan meat and our planet

Where you source your food matters, whether for vegans or meat eaters.

Although meat does show to have a larger impact on the environment, vegan food options may not necessarily be less impactful on the environment.

Claims that plant-based meats are better for the environment completely ignore the power of regenerative agriculture. Cows raised properly are integral in the regeneration of  the soil and are part of ancient ecosystems. This is why supporting regenerative agriculture is so important.

Certain crop-farming practices may put more than normal demand for water, may use artificial fertilizers which lead to the depletion of soil nutrients, it can also cause over-farming of land and it can disrupt ecosystems, impacting small animals and bees too.

In other words, depending on your diet choice, you need to be aware and do your research to see where your food is sourced and whether it s sustainable for the environment too.

How better to eat meat

These are my guidelines.

  • Know that all meat is not created equally.
  • Choose grass-fed, sustainably-raised and organic meat. Research your source and choose wisely.
  • Grown in this way will also have less impact on the environment and healthier for the soil.
  • Eat meat as a side dish or condiment.
  • Eat a variety of sustainably farmed protein – eggs, chicken and fish.

The purpose of food is to nourish the body to function properly and healthily.

Are you not sure what to eat? 

I explored this in a recent blog of mine – VEGAN, CARNIVORE, KETO, PLANT-BASED

It’s definitely worth a read – and you’re welcome to ask any questions you may have, it’s best to post them to my Instagram.



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