Feeling overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, low energy, intense cravings? Having body changes, hormonal disruptions and the inability to sleep? Maybe just feeling ‘off’?
Perhaps it’s time to take back full agency of your health.
I would like to share 5 strategies and practical tips to enhance your over-well-being and unlock your body’s natural healing ability.
We truly do have so much potential within each of us to transform our current state of health. Globally we are facing a huge epidemic of metabolic dysfunction which is the underlying cause of poor mental and physical health, every single cell in your body is regulated by your metabolic health.
Our modern world, with too much stress, no movement, no sunlight, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, increase in screen time/artificial light, lack of nutrients, loneliness, lack of human connection and poor nutrition is affecting us at the deepest level, and causing epidemic levels of mental and physical illness.
You are deserving of good health, to be at ease in your body, for it to work optimally and to have a sharp clear mind, a more resilient body that can adapt to both mental and physical stress.
Where do we start?
Every cell in your body is governed by what you eat. Your state of health, your physical body is all a reflection of your food choices.
- Remove all sugar, refined grains and all processed foods
- Just eat real food, cook from scratch, eat with friends or family, source the best possible quality food you can find, free of hormones, insulin growth factors, pesticides and addictive substances
- Don’t make this complicated, go back to nature always
Eating protocol
Eat three meals a day with no snacks/grazing. You want to stick to a defined eating window regularly.
It is a huge burden for the body to be in digestion mode all day and you raise insulin every time you eat. It is not what you want.
Managing glucose spikes and secreting insulin all day is a sure fire way to age fast,
- Aim to have 3 meals
- Each meal contains protein, fat and fibre
- No snacks
Scientific literature is clear, we need to be moving more throughout the day.
Going to the gym for one hour and then sitting the rest of the day is great, but what the data is showing us is that for metabolic health, moving for just two minutes every 30 minutes is highly beneficial, or even 15 min after each meal but we need to move.
- Build in walking breaks, calf raises, rebound, catch the stairs
- Schedule a walking meeting, a hike instead of going for drinks, whatever works for you.
- This will balance your blood sugar levels, regulate your mood, reduce cravings and provide you with more stable energy.
This is where all the rejuvenation, regeneration, and fat loss happens.
Most of us are not getting restorative sleep every day and you can’t catch up on sleep.
From mood disorders, inability to deal with stress, accelerated aging, insulin resistance, sugar cravings, lack of energy and chronic inflammation is largely associated with poor sleep.
- Remove blue light 3 hours before bed
- Eat 3 hours before bed
- Take magnesium and ashwagandha
- Practice Yoga Nidra (simply amazing practise to down regulate your central nervous system
- Practice gratitude
Blood work
Getting insight into your pathology and unique biochemistry will truly assist you in pulling the right levers.
Get your blood work done, most especially check your hormone levels, and these basic possible deficiencies:
- Iron
- B12
- Magnesium
- Vitamin D3
- A1c level (reflects your average blood glucose levels over the past 3 months)
I strongly believe that implementing the above will offer you more energy, greater health and inner peace so that you can take on each day with more gratitude, pleasure, and creativity.
The solution to prevent and reverse chronic conditions and reach optimal health is under our control. And it’s simpler than we’ve been led to believe.
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