Lifestyle Blog

Nutrition has become very much like a religion or politics, there are so many opposing views and camps, and the subject can get very heated.  More often than not though there are more commonalities than we realise, and hopefully we are all striving for the greater...

While nutrition and human optimisation are my main areas of expertise, the topic of emotional addiction is sitting with me right now, as I’m seeing it on a daily basis… in myself, my loved ones and those whom I work with. Emotional addiction is linked...

Burnout is an intense form of stress in our internal environment.  We lack motivation, drive, we are dissatisfied, we lack energy and feel depressed. Burnout is a feeling of hopelessness that is ongoing. Stress is good in small amounts, when it is temporary.  When we’re under stress we...

I am a big advocate of meals, and not snacks. Why?  In order to turn off your hunger hormones, you need to eat a nutrient-dense meal (protein, good fats and vegetables) that will keep you feeling full and satiated for the next 5-6 hours. Little snacks...