Lifestyle Blog

First thing Hot water and lemon and ginger Breakfast Vegetable juice: Loads of greens Spinach, kale, green apple, parsley, celery and fennel Sometimes I just I have a veggie juice and some nuts other days I will have gluten free oats and berries Lunch Quinoa Salad or fresh fish and a...

If you've ever felt a knot of stress creeping into your stomach, you'll know that your gut is more than just a food-digestion factory. Here are 8 reasons - and ways - to practice tummy love...

Start eating and living for health and watch your body change Summer has arrived, which means it's time for beaches, bikinis and tan bodies. This also means that summer usually marks  the start of crazy fad diets as we stress out over our winter weight gain...

Question: Hi Vanessa :) I have a dilemma - I'm really confused on how to read food labels. My main concern is the salt and fat amounts as I'm trying to trim down a bit. Do you have any advice? And what is the recommended daily amount...

Advocates of an alkaline diet state that because about 75% of our body is made up of water, which helps to transport nutrients, oxygen and biochemicals in our bloodstream, this medium can either have acidic or alkaline properties. This is measured by a scale called the...

By now you should be boosting your immune system to get through winter flu free. The body's immune system is affected by many variables such as nourishment, sleep, stress levels, relationships and other health conditions. The one variable we can always control is what you...